You'll be collecting studs, solving simple puzzles, fighting enemies with quirky personalities, and bringing shapeless piles of LEGOs to life.

Don't expect any surprises: Going by the trailer and pre-release buzz, there will be a few tweaks to update the formula and make the action fit the franchise, but this is the same LEGO game you've been too grown-up to admit you love since 2005. In May of this year, Pirates of the Caribbean will join the list. In addition to Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Batman, and Harry Potter have gotten the LEGO treatment.

To break up the easy action/platformer gameplay, you watch cutscenes in which LEGO figurines act out events from the movie, usually with a whimsical twist. In the typical LEGO game, you play as LEGO versions of the main characters, exploring 3D LEGO environments based on scenes from the film. In the six years since the smash hit LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, developer Traveller's Tales has spent most of its energy repeating the formula with one movie after another. That may be a cliché, but it also seems to be the official motto for the LEGO videogame series.